Brendan Huntley

Sky Light Mind


Brendan Huntley’s new body of work, Sky Light Mind, is strongly influenced by, as Huntley puts it “the natural light and crazy vibrant colours of the West Coast” he experienced while based in San Francisco on a residency in 2017.

“I see these works as a meditational expedition,” he says. “A journey, a trek… with paint, clay, glaze, glass, collage, and whatever other materials get sucked into the creative vortex.”

Read the exhibition essay by Danae Valenza or the media release.

Image: Brendan Huntley Untitled (Fade Away and Radiate) 2017/2018, oil on linen, 99.5 cm x 147 cm.


Brendan Huntley

As the saying goes, eyes are the window to the...